Discover the best ways to care for your wooden fence.
Installing a wooden fence is one of the best ways to establish a clear border for your home. Homeowners appreciate the natural elegance and classic look that a wood fence fosters. Whether it’s solid panels, board on board fencing, picket fences or split rail fences, a wood fence can strongly enhance the look and feel of a home. However, because you’re using a fence made of natural materials, it will require a bit more tender loving care to help preserve them. If you are looking to get the most out of your current or soon to be installed wooden fence, then you need to learn maintenance tips that will help you extend the life of your wood fence. Nothing is less attractive than a sagging, rotting fence!
The Basics
- Pressure wash your fence: Your fence should occasionally be pressure washed because combined with special treatment products, any mold, and dirt that accumulates on your wooden fence will come right off.
- Fix Immediately: When you see something damaged on your fence, always do your best to replace it immediately. This includes both wood and fasteners. Your fence should always be secure in the ground and posts should be firm in your soil.
- Clean and stain: After you clean your wood fence, let it dry for a week and then apply your stain. The stain will seep into the top layer of your wood fence. You can apply the stain to your fence with a brush or a power sprayer
Protect your Fence
Branches, leaves, and other debris can fall and cause all kinds of damage to your wood fence. To make sure branches are not going to fall onto your fence in case of wind or ice, cut or trim branches out of the immediate area of the fence. The wet material, in particular, can accelerate rotting, so you don’t want leaves stuck to your fence. You’ll also want to check that no organic matter has gotten lodged between the rails and boards. A few cursory glances at your fence combined with minor maintenance can keep your fence fresh for years to come!
Quality Wooden Fences from Hercules Fence Newport News
Ready to get your perfect fence installed around your residential or commercial property or get your existing fence repaired? Hercules Fence has extensive experience in repairing and constructing fences made out of any and every material. Our experienced team can help meet your fencing needs, whether they’re residential or commercial, for the right price. Give us a call at 757-316-3600 or visit us online. To see examples of our work and keep in touch, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Pinterest.