Traditional vines such as English Ivy are great for iron or aluminum fences. However, wood fences fare better with less invasive climbing flowers.
Have you ever considered using landscaping as a way to spruce up your fence? Certain fences, such as chain link and wrought iron, work great as trellises for climbing vines and flowers. Here are a few climbing plants you can consider to add a little vibrancy to your fence and boost your curb appeal.
While roses aren’t naturally categorized as climbing plants, they can be trained to climb up a fence. There are two great reasons to choose roses as an accent plant for your fence. First, roses are a hugely popular garden plant. They’re a classic choice; this is because they come in a wide variety of colors and smell good as well! Roses are better than some climbing vines, as they won’t dig into your fence the way some vines will. This makes roses less destructive and more effective as a decorative accent.
Morning Glory
The morning glory is an especially rewarding plant, since it grows quickly and can reach up to 15 feet in height! This easy-to-grow plant thrives in full sun, so make sure that your fence is getting east or west exposure before you decide to plant morning glories. After planting, watch as the beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers grow around your fence and magically open with the sunrise.
Looking for some climbing plants with a little something extra? Honeysuckle not only has beautiful, delicate blooms but also has a sweet scent that attracts bees and butterflies! Plant in early spring and attach the growing shoots to your fence with soft ties, such as strips cut out of old t-shirts, that won’t harm the delicate shoots. Now sit back and relax as your honeysuckle blooms into one of a variety of different shades, including white, gold, pink, and red.
Get In Touch With Hercules Fence Today
Hercules Fence has experience with nearly every type of residential and commercial fencing material imaginable, from wood and aluminum to chain link, vinyl, steel, and even temporary fencing. We have developed a reputation for quality work and fair, competitive prices. Hercules Fence is ready to serve you from six convenient locations. We have offices in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina.
The experienced and professional team of Hercules Fence can help guide you through the process and design the perfect fence for your home or business. We are the residential and commercial fencing experts.
If you have any questions about finding your dream fence or fence maintenance, you can contact Hercules Fence today by calling (757) 316-3600 or visit FencesNewportNews.com today for a free quote!
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