If you said “yes” to any of these signs, then call us to install your new fence today
Today we’ll be sharing some top signs that your fence has seen better days. If you’re not sure if you have an aging fence, then this is a must-read. Fences can make or break a home’s aesthetics. Also, because fences make a home safer and more secure, you indeed want your fence to be as durable and long-lasting as it can be.
Your Wooden Fence is Starting to Rot
This sign is one of those signs that are the most obvious. If your wooden fence has discoloration, then this could be an indicator that it is rotting. Water damage and moisture are typically the causes of rotting wood. The danger behind not addressing wood rot right away is that repair isn’t possible over time. Sealants and moisture repellents do work, but it all depends on the severity of the damage.
Your Fence is Becoming Extremely Costly to Repair
Sometimes replacing an entire fence isn’t always necessary. Installing new parts or panels may solve some issues. However, depending on how much damage your fence has gone through, you may be better off investing in a new fence that’s sturdier and less damage-prone. Think about a car. Would you instead spend thousands of dollars in repairs or put the money towards a new vehicle that will cause you fewer issues?
Your Fence Has Cracked, Broken Boards
Cracking is typical in regards to aging or older fences when you don’t treat boards for a long time. Untreated wooden fences are at a higher risk for moisture seeping into the pores and causing the wood to swell. Boards more than often can’t expand because nails hold them in place laterally. As a result, over time, the wood deforms, which leads to cracking. Once a wooden fence cracks and warps, the damage is permanent.
You Simply Want a More Modern Fence
Fencing has come a long way. With there being so many alternatives to wooden fences, maybe you merely want an upgrade. A fence doesn’t necessarily have to have damage for you to decide that a new fence will benefit you. Fences are practical choices, but curb appeal is also the goal.
Can you relate to any of these signs? Then, reach out to us so that we can help make your home a more beautiful and safer place with fencing installation.
Get in Touch With Hercules Fence Today
Hercules Fence has experience with nearly every type of residential and commercial fencing material imaginable, from wood and aluminum to chain link, vinyl, steel, and even temporary fencing. We have developed a reputation for quality work and fair, competitive prices. Hercules Fence is ready to serve you from six convenient locations. We have offices in Manassas, Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina.
If you have any questions about finding your dream fence or fence maintenance, you can contact Hercules Fence today by calling (757) 316-3600 or visit FencesNewportNews.com today for a free quote.